Abilene 20"

After using an Oklahoma Joe (US built) charcoal grill since 2003 I have up graded to a Yoder Abilene 20. A local grill shop had one in stock and made me a killer deal on it including delivery and a cover. I am more of a grill guy but I like to smoke as well. After seasoning it on Saturday afternoon I smoked beef short ribs, baby back ribs, and grilled 4 rib eyes on Sunday. I used charcoal in a snake shaped fuse method with hickory chunks every 10" or so. I kept the temp on the left side around 250 for 5 hrs without adding additional fuel.
My concern was heat management without an off set fire box. No worries. Stack vent all the way open and right baffle between 1/8 - 1/4 open. Clean up was a breeze on Monday morning.
I highly recommend the Abilene 20" if your budget is tight and you want to grill and smoke. There is more than enough rom to cook for a crowd of people and prepare a variety of meats at the same time.
I have not seen any reviews of the Abilene grills online so if anyone is wondering about the capability of it, now you know. The thick steel and air flow is great. I'm an American who will buy US made products whenever I can. Ruger and Henry firearms, US made vehicles, and the best US made grills and cookers.
My concern was heat management without an off set fire box. No worries. Stack vent all the way open and right baffle between 1/8 - 1/4 open. Clean up was a breeze on Monday morning.
I highly recommend the Abilene 20" if your budget is tight and you want to grill and smoke. There is more than enough rom to cook for a crowd of people and prepare a variety of meats at the same time.
I have not seen any reviews of the Abilene grills online so if anyone is wondering about the capability of it, now you know. The thick steel and air flow is great. I'm an American who will buy US made products whenever I can. Ruger and Henry firearms, US made vehicles, and the best US made grills and cookers.