NEWB making ribs.

July 28th, 2020, 10:46 am
by NavyDavy
Keeping the temp at 225F and nice light blue smoke. No bellowing white smoke.
My plan is 3 hours smoking in my Cheyenne, then three more hours wrapped in foil in the kitchen oven at 225F.
Maybe open foil during the last hour in the kitchen oven.
What's everyone think? Well not everyone...LOL
Re: NEWB making ribs.

November 21st, 2020, 9:58 am
by JimmyS
Yours is a plan that works. Some folks do a 3-2-1, or three hours open, two hours with foil (and some juice inside, and one open. I prefer the ribs to be open for the entire process, and I pull them when the bones are protruding about half an inch. When cooking for a really large group, I have a couple of small racks that will hold the slabs on their side so I can get them closer together. I usually leave every other slot open so the hot air can pass through. I also set this contraption closer to the firebox, since the ribs on it won't cook as fast as the slabs that lay flat. Mustard, coarse salt, and coarse pepper are my basic rub.
Re: NEWB making ribs.

May 14th, 2021, 6:38 am
by GaryK
Cooking pork ribs is an art in my opinion. It is easy to over smoke them. I’ve ruined plenty of racks of ribs over the years. I tend to smoke them for about three hours, wrap in foil with a splash of Dr Pepper or coke. For about 45 minutes to an hour then unwrap to finish with or without sauce.