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August 8th, 2015, 5:58 pm
* Abilene ** Abilene *
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I purchased my YS640 used, so I know about clean-ups, repairs, and cooking with a great machine.

I have ordered a YS1500, with custom color, stainless grates.

Is there any seasoning required for stainless cook grates, or just spray and cook?

After the burnout, do I need to season the YS1500? I had planned on cooking several naked fatties as a first cook.

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Need I say it's been a long two week, and more waiting!

August 8th, 2015, 10:15 pm
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My suggestion would be to do the initial burn off, clean up and then season the grates, prior to cooking anything on the cooker.

Congrats on the used 640 and the new 1500!

August 9th, 2015, 1:07 pm
* Abilene ** Abilene *
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You better look forward to it, the cooker is totally insane, im superhappy with mine, just a beast, should have postet alot of pictures , but its not easy to post pictures on this forum, couldnt find it on tapatalk either. Anyway, torched away 8 bags of pellets since ive got it hehehe, and running like a champ , been almost running everyday since i got it :):)

August 9th, 2015, 1:49 pm
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Ragnarok wrote: but its not easy to post pictures on this forum, couldnt find it on tapatalk either.

Uploading pictures is very easy. Click the "FULL EDITOR" button under the QUICK REPLY box, then look below the editor box for the UPLOAD ATTACHMENT tab. Select the picture and click the ADD THE FILE button. Then a new POSTED ATTACHMENTS box shows up right below the editor box. Place the cursor where you want it in the editor, and click the PLACE INLINE button.

The forum does not support tapatalk, because of the multitude of security risks and concerns it brings with its installation and use.

August 9th, 2015, 2:28 pm
* Abilene ** Abilene *
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Oki yoder , cool ill try it out, ill post some nice pictures :)

August 9th, 2015, 2:38 pm
* Abilene ** Abilene *
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But seems like my pictures are to large, says maximum file size 256kb? Ive only got iphone pictures.

August 9th, 2015, 11:01 pm
* Durnago ** Durnago *
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Photobucket is a great, free online source to post pictures in-line with the thread as well and not limited by size. For example...



August 10th, 2015, 12:29 am
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On the iPhone, you need to either download an app to resize the pictures, or, you can email them to yourself, which allows you to choose the size of the file attachment for the email. After you hit the SEND button, you will see a menu asking how big you want the picture attachment to be. When you receive the email, hold your finger on the picture until the menu pops up and then select SAVE IMAGE.

Beyond this information, you are on your own.


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