I have watched several videos of the YS640 on youtube. On most of them, you do not hear a loud fan noise but on a couple it is quite loud. Can you give me some ideo how loud it is when running at say a 230 temp setting? In other words, do you have a db rating for it or can you compare it to some noise? I am asking because I will want to do all night cooks and want to make sure it won't bother neighbors. Thanks.
Don't know the db's but I can say that I have done numerous over night cooks with my 640 no more than 25 feet from the head of my bed and have had no problem sleeping. My neighbors are not close but even in the summer time with windows open I would not worry about it. Maybe a little above a whisper but definitely not as loud as someone talking.
It's no louder then a fan on a laptop running at full speed. If your neighbors hear it they need to not sleep on your patio! Lol. But seriously, from 10' away on my patio with normal "outside" noises like wind, birds, etc... You can't hear it all. It's very quiet.
Thanks. The mics on the youtube video must have been turned way up or placed right by the fan. Getting close to pulling the trigger on the 640.
Your only regret will be not getting it sooner! Hope you take the plunge... They are awesome cookers!
This video will show you: viewtopic.php?f=36&t=786
I would worry more about your neighbors stealing your food in the night because they are having to smell it cooking.
You can hear the fans. When I'm at the door on the porch with the door open, the cooker is about 15' away. I can't hear the fans. Sitting within 5' of the smoker you can hear the fans, but it's a low sound, not a squeal, and just a bit over ambient noise levels. It won't cause any conversation interruptions or cause people to stand away from it.
The fan noise is a non-issue.