Going to be smoking a brisket and 6 rack of baby back ribs this weekend,thought I would put ribs on top shelf brisket fat side down on bottom shelf temp set at 250 this should give me a temp around 230-235 on top shelf. Smoke ribs with pecan rub and brisket with just good old salt and pepper,smoke brisket for 4-5 hours until I get the color I'm looking for wrap in butcher paper and finish let set 2 hours cut point into burnt ends re season with sauce and put back on for 30 min. Would like I input on my plan and any tips would be nice,or just say I'm wrong. I will be using the YS640! Thanks
Good plan. I suggest that you have 2 variables to check before wrapping;
1. The bark should be "hard set", i.e., you can scratch it off with a fingernail
2. The color is what you want. This may not be optimum because of #1
You should cook until the meat is tender, not by time or temperature. The perfect tenderness is when your temperature probe feels like it is sliding into a warm stick of butter, with no resistance or "catches". Not doing this is the #1 reason for brisket failures. The flat can be tender before the point is, so after separating, you may have to cook the point until tender, or cube and pan and cook until tender as I explain below.
30 minutes may not be enough time for the burnt ends. Again, cook the point until tender, not by time or temperature. After cubing and panning, I always do a "feel" test with the temperature probe, and then a texture test for mouth feel to know when they are done.