My 640 controller locked up displaying "50" no leading zero, just the last two digits. No response from any buttons or control except power off.
Could a loose thermocouple cause this? I have not opened up the controller yet to check thermocouple, but after power off, and restart, the temp reading went high, with the cooker cold.
Much concerning about the controller lookup. I have had failed thermocouple before, but never did it cause to controller to lock up.
Cost of controller assembly? I saw the video on you tube.
Did you start the cooking session by plugging in the power cord? Each cooking session MUST start by plugging in the power cord to the cooker, if it is already plugged in, it MUST be unplugged for a minimum of 30 seconds, then plugged back into power to start the cooking session. There are no error codes, so the number you were seeing is meaningless
Yes, I always unplug! It looked like I had lost a digit, so i tried to go up then down, but no reaction to any key press. ,
I have experienced this, and seen this, at BBQ competitions where there is questionable power. When it happens, switch the power switch off, unplug the power cord for 30 seconds, plug it back in. If there is still a good fire in the cooker, flip the power switch ON, push start and set your temp. If there isn't any fire, take the cooker apart and clean the ash and pellets from the burn grate then do the startup.
It sounds like you experienced a power anomaly., especially if the hard reset (unplugging) makes it all work properly again.