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Pulled pork help

May 28th, 2016, 5:53 pm
by IA cin769
Honing yo do a couple pork butts or tomorrow on my 640 any thoughts ideas concerns for me? Temp 225 these butts are 8# how long you think it honing to take?
Re: Pulled pork help

May 28th, 2016, 8:14 pm
by Conumdrum
9-12 hours not counting the 2 hr rest time after cooking.
I'm doing 7 tonight starting at 10 PM. Some will be done by 11ish, some at 1-2 PM as usual. Then wrapped and sit for 1-2 hrs before giving to folks to pull
Re: Pulled pork help

May 28th, 2016, 8:53 pm
by IA cin769
What temp? What grill u have?
Re: Pulled pork help

May 29th, 2016, 6:23 am
by Conumdrum
YS640, almost 3 years old.
Most folks cook butts at 225-250 or so, I run mine at 235. I put 7 on last night at 9:30 PM, monitored for 30 min, went to bed.
At 4 AM, 3 butts on the hotter side of the Yoder are at 165ish. 4 on the bottom, 3 on top. The other 4 on the cooler side are in the 140's. I panned the 4 hottest (no cover) to collect the magic liquid. I moved the hot ones to the cool side and cooler ones to the hot side. I figure about 10 AM I'll prolly be pulling the first one off into a cooler with towels and blankets to rest for a few hours. I'll continue to pull them off, usually last ones come off at about 12-1PM. Depends.
There are MANY good sites that spell it out for you, even ones with Yoder cooks. The procedure is the same. 9-12 hours. 8 lb butts you have is pretty normal, I usually shoot for 9+ to 10 lb butts. You can cut a 8 lber in half, it will have more bark and cook in about 1/3 time less. So 7 to 11 hours.
Re: Pulled pork help

May 29th, 2016, 6:57 am
by IA cin769
Ok I put mine on at 2 am internal now is 165 and 150 I switched them. What is he towel and blanket ? Do I WRAp in foil anytime?
Re: Pulled pork help

May 29th, 2016, 10:39 am
by Conumdrum
Well there is a thing called a French Cambriole or something like that. It's a thing with shelves to keep food warm when being transported. It's an insulated box basically. AKA a cooler. You put an old blanket/towels on the bottom, put pans covering meat with foil or the meat double wrapped in foil to prevent leaking juices. I use pans. Then you put another old towel or 3 (I also use an old pillow to fill any air space) Then you let them set for 1-2 hours minimum, they will stay PLENTY hot. When they cool to about 150 or when you need to, you take the meat out and pull it. Keep the yummy fat in the foil or pans to mix in the pulled pork. That's called the golden butter. Sprinkle a bit of the rub into the mix and that's about it.
I don't foil pork butts or ribs anymore. I do pan my butss if I want at about 155-170 to collect the fat, I DO NOT cover the pans, that would be like foiling. You can help push through the stall (where the butts will stay at 155-170 for a few hours then the temp will increase) by foiling, but the bark gets soft and loses the crunchy bit.
Honestly, you really need to read up about this stuff. I sent you a PM with 3 great links so you can learn about BBQ. Woulda been smart to do that first. There is a bit of science and forethought that's nice to know.
Re: Pulled pork help

May 29th, 2016, 6:50 pm
by Conumdrum
How did the butts come out? I pulled the last 3 at 2 PM. So 14 hr cook. The last two are outta the cooler to cool down and pull.