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Paint Flaking

PostPosted: August 28th, 2016, 9:52 am
by tstupek1
I just received my YS 640 last Tuesday. On Saturday, I did the initial burn in. After the burn in cycle was complete there was paint flaking in the area where the hood overlaps the front of the smoker. I am concerned that after one hour of use, the paint is flaking already. What is going to happen when I really begin to use the smoker? Seems like an awful lot of money to lay down to be having these kinds of problems so soon. Has anyone else had this problem? Is this covered by warranty?

Re: Paint Flaking

PostPosted: August 28th, 2016, 12:34 pm
by Yoder_Herb


I see that you have already sent an email to ATBBQ, which has been forwarded to Yoder Customer Service. You will be contacted shortly.

Re: Paint Flaking

PostPosted: August 28th, 2016, 9:51 pm
by Staplegun78
I had some little spots too after the initial burn. Since then I have had a few more pop up. I bought a can of paint. Problem solved. I didn't buy the Yoder because of the paint job. I bought it because of how well it cooks and the great customer service. Don't take me the wrong way I have a good case of OCD with the paint on my cars. I have to tell myself this is BBQ and it gets used every day to make delicious food. So don't worry get a can of paint and cook some great food. Enjoy and Yoder on!