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A couple questions about the YS640

November 18th, 2016, 4:06 pm
by Twharrell
Is the probe port a standard feature or is it an an add-on? What is the extra cost if an add-on?
Can stainless shelves be added later to replace the standard wire grate shelves?
Re: A couple questions about the YS640

November 18th, 2016, 9:41 pm
by Yoder_Herb
Did you hear from Mike?
Re: A couple questions about the YS640

November 25th, 2016, 2:14 pm
by Twharrell
Sorry for the delayed reply. I do not recall receiving any communication from Mike.
Re: A couple questions about the YS640

November 25th, 2016, 3:46 pm
by Yoder_Herb
The probe port is now integrated into the cooker at no adfitional charge.
The shelves can be added at any time.
Re: A couple questions about the YS640

November 28th, 2016, 3:58 pm
by Twharrell
Re: A couple questions about the YS640

November 28th, 2016, 4:43 pm
by Conumdrum
The shelves. The outside standard shelves are chrome 1/4" thick or so very strong shelves. Strong enough on the right shelf end to pick up and move the 640 no problem. If I was in comp cooking due to food standards, I'd upgrade right away. Since I'm a home cook the standard shelves on the OUTSIDE of the 640 have done me fine. A quick rub with a scrubby pad on the top and the occasional major wash they do fine. But not needed all the time, more like a counter wipe if doing steaks etc.
The interior chrome grates on the bottom have served me well for over 3 years. NO Rust! I just did the day soak for the bottom and top grates in soap and a scrub with a stainless scrub pad, brush to hit the corners and a rinse. I have a bit of impossible to remove glazed gunk, it's science, part of the metal now.. Perfectly normal, would pass food safety inspection. I prolly do it twice a year.
Top expanded shelf needed a bit more scrubbing, but it's part of the job, after 6 pork butts, two on top, 4 on the bottom. Let all the cleaned parts drip dry for an hour while you do the quick annual scrap the sides with a plastic scraper, bit of stainless pad on the rails etc inside, vacuum. Then put the diffuser in (scrubbed it too) and the inside grates back in, fire it up to 250. Let it cool till shutdown, spray with Grill PAM, then fire back up to 350 for an hour.
I went crazy and had PAM over spray on the outside from spraying the inside grills. So I decided to PAM the outside. Light very light coat and rubbed well. It was fired up for my last heat from my cleaning (mentioned above)so seasoned if you could say that..
Re: A couple questions about the YS640

December 9th, 2016, 8:21 am
by Abe_Froman
What I have used for years to clean grates (I have a utility sink in my workshop) is to plug the drain, add a generous squeeze if dishwasher detergent gel (like Cascade, not dish soap like Dawn), then fill with hot water and dissolve all detergent. Add the grates and let soak for a couple hours. This detergent type dissolves a lot of baked on stuff, making removal with a wire brush scraper easier. You may not get it all, but it's way easier on your shoulder. Got a stainless, thermos type, coffee cup that needs cleaning?. Fill with hot water, tablespoon of same detergent. Stir and let sit overnight. It will look like you polished it. Now you can enjoy that fresh cup of Starbucks in a clean cup when you get up to check on the overnight smoke.