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Felt on Yoder 640 grill

July 4th, 2017, 7:51 pm
by shrek
Yes, Finally! They have a 18$ kit that will raise the lid and felt the edge of the opening. No more smoke going out the side! It seals the grill nicely! When closing it, it has a "thud" sound to it and you can feel the change in air pressure out of the stack.
Re: Felt on Yoder 640 grill

July 5th, 2017, 8:11 am
by Jfrederick
Agreed! I just installed mine this weekend. I was less worried about the smoke leakage and actually installed mine to minimize the metal on metal contact that I feel is causing the paint to chip. In 18months I've repainted the front of my cooker probably 5 times, all stemming from the area that the door met the body. The door seal will minimize this... I hope.
Re: Felt on Yoder 640 grill

July 5th, 2017, 3:29 pm
by shrek
I hope it works for you! My concern is going to be the juices and what not that sometimes seems to leak out the front. I do catch myself closing the lid a little harder with the felt.
Jfrederick wrote:Agreed! I just installed mine this weekend. I was less worried about the smoke leakage and actually installed mine to minimize the metal on metal contact that I feel is causing the paint to chip. In 18months I've repainted the front of my cooker probably 5 times, all stemming from the area that the door met the body. The door seal will minimize this... I hope.
Re: Felt on Yoder 640 grill

July 6th, 2017, 8:23 am
by Jfrederick
I had the leak problem and then I read a post on here (can't find it now) where a guy used Permatex 81878 and sealed the bottom/front of the lid right under the piece of angle iron. It appears that the factory only welds that peice of metal on in a few spots and grease finds its way through there. Once I sealed that entire seam I had zero issues with grease leaking.
If what I said made no sense let me know and I'll Take a few pics and post. Haha.