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YS640 fan binding

PostPosted: May 26th, 2018, 11:37 am
by Ntaylor
Fan was ramping up on initial start and it sounded like it was rubbing and it would actually stop and try to ramp again. To stop it from happy loosened the 4 screws holding it in. Purchased this in April and have put about 50 lbs of pellets thru it with no problems. Also the grill has been sitting in the same spot since I got it and hasn't been hit by anything and remains covered. Any suggestions??? Ideas??? Is this normal?? Thanks in advance


Re: YS640 fan binding

PostPosted: May 26th, 2018, 11:40 am
by Yoder_Herb
Send us an email with your cookers serial number and build date, along with a description of the issue you are having, to [email protected]

Re: YS640 fan binding

PostPosted: May 26th, 2018, 1:20 pm
by Ntaylor
Sure will!!