Hoping someone can help me.
I have found a YS1500 up for sale, which looks like its in very good condition from the photos. I live to far away to go see it in the flesh.
Does build date matter at all or is each build year the same?
What questions should I be asking the Seller?
Can I cook for two on the YS1500?
The first question I would ask is, "Can I call you on the phone and talk about the YS1500?" That's probably the only question you will need to ask to make your decision.
The YS1500 hasn't changed. The current firmware is B20. If you are cooking for just 2, the YS1500 is overkill times 10, but it is an awesome cooker.
Thanks Herb, I wasn't sure if the builds through the years had changed much, being software updates that makes things easy.
I guess when I mentioned cooking for two, I want to use it as a Home Cooker so I get use and practice.
When you say Overkill time 10 for a few Steaks, are you just talking about capacity, which is obvious or it costs a lot more to run when cooking a few Steaks compared to the 640?
Strictly capacity. Cost to run is pretty much a wash.