Knotty Wood Plum wood pellets

Bottom line - massive amounts of ash filled my YS640 fire pot. I tried these pellets yesterday and will throw out the remaining pellets from the bag...and the second bag I bought. I put a packer brisket on at 0400. Got up at 0700 and all was fine...running nicely at 225 degrees. Went out on the lake for some boating fun with friends and was watching the app for internal temp to reach 165 so I could go back and wrap the brisket until it reached 195. Finally got past the stall but, even after 12 hours, did not reach 165. Temp was varying quite a bit. Once I returned home and found the overflowing fire pot, I grabbed my shop vac, put some water in the empty "container" and vacuumed out the ash. Then I closed the lid and the YS640 resumed as normal. I decided to crank it up to 300 so we could eat before dark. Finally reached 195, took it out of the smoker, placed it in my kitchen warming drawer and let it rest for an hour (the chow hounds were getting restless). Here is the link from my app. Hope this helps. [url]Sun Sep 3 Session[/url][/url]