Mounted work light?

February 17th, 2015, 11:12 pm
by SmoKan88
Has anyone mounted a light on your pellet cooker? There are tons of lights out there that mount to the traditional round bar handles that almost all grills and smokers use. But since the Yoder does not use this type of handle I have been looking for a light with some other type of mount. I would like to have an LED light that comes on automatically when the lid is lifted. But would likely need a mount on a single stud that could be attached to a hole drilled into the handle brace. Or maybe a magnet? Have also seen other brand smokers that actually have light mounted inside under the lid. These must be expensive high temp lights?
Looking forward to hear (& see) your mods and ideas.
Re: Mounted work light?

February 18th, 2015, 8:29 am
by Conumdrum
Gosh, there are so many ways. One thing is you need enough light, and not a spot beam for late night cooking. Almost to the point of a light 6-8 ' back away that fully covers the area. I got a yellow Dewalt work light with a halogen bulb I hang off a beam on my patio. I also have a handy forehead light I can wear so as I work I always have light. Nice for things away from the cooker when the pellets for the tube smoker is in the dark scary shed at 2 AM..
You can buy so many variations. You can buy those flex stand lights with the cheapo 2 AA batteries with a magnet on the end LOL Trash. Your best bet is to frequent many more smoked-meat etc forums due to the low traffic here and see if something pops up. I haven't really seen much, it's a very individual thing. What we really need is a beer with a light built in the bottle.
Dewalt two light work stand. All you need.