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Probe ports

PostPosted: August 4th, 2015, 10:00 am
by Ragnarok
Anyone now where i can by the yoder probeports? And what kind of heat are they rated to? Ive allready tried atbbq store but they dont ship outside u.s.a

Re: Probe ports

PostPosted: August 4th, 2015, 10:09 am
by Yoder_Herb
Send an email to [email protected] and inquire about the probe ports. Make sure to tell them where you live.

Re: Probe ports

PostPosted: August 4th, 2015, 10:14 am
by Ragnarok
Ive tried severl times from yoder, but ill send them another mail tonight

Re: Probe ports

PostPosted: August 4th, 2015, 10:16 am
by Yoder_Herb
There are two dealers in Europe. Have you talked to them about probe ports? Didn't you get your cooker from one of them?

Re: Probe ports

PostPosted: August 4th, 2015, 10:18 am
by Ragnarok
Got the yoder here in norway but they dont carry the ports, but ill check up on the other european dealers, thanks :)