First off I've been using a yoder YS 480 for a couple of years now and I love it.
Before I did my first brisket, I read everything I could about smoking a brisket and found that almost everything I read, recommended wrapping, ala the Texas Crutch, when the temp stalls.
I don't do that. I just let it go. I smoke at about 240 degrees on the control panel, which experience has shown me is actually producing a box at about 225 or so. And I let it go for 20 to 24 hours. I pull it off when it's anywhere from 195 to 205 internal temp. And I am amazed at the results. Universal praise from my guests. The brisket is juicy, flavorful, and tender as all heck.
I'm always smoking a full packer, I always purchase prime meat. Some times from my butcher and sometimes from Costco. I season the brisket as early as possible, usually try to do it the day before. Then I inject with Trade Joe's beef broth before putting in the smoker. And I put my rub on it also right before starting in the smoker.
I guess my question is, does anyone else just "let it ride"? I understand that you can finish the brisket much earlier by pulling it out at the stall and wrapping and returning to the smoker, but I find it's actually much easier to coordinate a meal with guests when I'm starting the brisket about 24 hours before time to eat. It's usually ready a couple of hours early so when the temp is right, I pull it off, wrap it tight and keep it in a cooler until dinner time. My briskets have never been dry or tasteless. And the bark is amazing.
I'm in the "let it ride" category too. The meat is always flavorful and we've preferred it that way for a while. I've been smoking mostly on a stick burner and just learning the pellet method so your feedback is helpful. I tried my first brisket on the YS 480 and it was incredibly moist and flavorful for the most part with some overcooking/burning of the underside of the flat. But in another post Yoder_Herb suggested cooking fat side down so I am going to give that a try. And keep the temperature down. I'm surprised though that at a cooking temp of 225 it takes 20-24 hours. I'll keep that in mind but would expect more like 12 hours or so to get to 205 +-