If you haven't seen the first part of this saga, please review this first: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1865
After doing the Frank's pork butts, we still had 1/2 gallon of Frank's hot sauce in the fridge, and the old "waste not, want not" finger in the face sermon of my parents kept haunting me in my sleep. So again walking through one of the warehouse clubs meat section gave me an idea. The Frank's pork butt turned out so awesome, lets try Frank's pork marshmallows, and play with some different flavors, We bought 2 packages of pork tenderloins, which gave us 8 pork tenderloins in total to do some taste testing.
After trimming the 8 tenderloins of all the unwanted "stuff", we put them in a 2 gallon bag and poured the remaining 1/2 gallon of Frank's hot sauce, with 2 heaping tablespoons of minced garlic mixed in, into the bag, and then into the fridge to marinate the meat.

After 2 days of flipping the bag of goodness in the fridge, it was time to cook up the tenderloins into pork marshmallows. We got the Yoder Smokers YS640 prepped and started. We again will used the cookie racks to place the grate with the meat about 2" above the bottom grate. We will set the cook temperature on the controller at 225 degrees to cook the meat gently, as unlike the pork butt, there isn't any fat or connective tissue that needs to be rendered or broken down.
We removed the 8 tenderloins from the bag and laid them on a wire grate, with the thin ends together in the middle and the thick ends on the outside of the grate. We sprinkled on some Herb's herbs (salt and pepper would suffice), and then layered some of the marinade from the bag over the meat.
After the meat was on the cooker, we setup the 4 sauces that we were going to taste test with the Frank's hot sauce marinade. Since we had 8 tenderloins, it was decided that we would try 4 different sauces so that we would have 2 tenderloins of each flavor to taste test. The sauces we choose were the Frank's marinade, some mixed BBQ sauce, desert honey, and agave syrup, since it was so awesome on the pork butts.

Here is where we made a slight mistake; the intention was to sauce the meat a few times, since we were going to pull the meat from the cooker at 140 degrees internal in the thickest part of the meat. When the meat reached 125 degrees, we sauced for the first time, which was the mistake, as putting the sauce on cooled the meat and slowed the cooking process. Doing this actually dropped the internal temperature by almost 5 degrees and added almost an hour of time to the total cook time, so we did not apply sauce again. Next time, we will wait till the meat comes off the cooker before we sauce..

Once the meat hit an internal temperature of 140 (all of the meat was within 2 degrees of each other in the thickest part), we took the meat off the cooker, and placed each flavor duo in their separate foil pouches to rest (this is when we will apply sauce next time). We did this quickly so that the residual heat would allow the internal temperature to rise to approximately 145 before opening and cutting the tenderloins into medallions, or what everyone here calls marshmallows, as the center cuts are little pillows of pork goodness.
Off the cooker immediately before wrapping
Frank's hot sauce marinade before slicing and medallion
BBQ sauce before slicing and medallion
Honey before slicing and medallion
Agave syrup before slicing and medallion
The results? Overall, with the taste testers present, like the pork butt, the majority liked the agave syrup the best, then the honey, then the Frank's marinade and lastly the BBQ sauce. One of the tasters liked the Frank's marinate the best, with the rest in the order above (tester is actually a spicy eater and would like it hotter).
Pairing Frank's hot sauce with agave is just awesome, and really hard to describe why. You will have to taste it for your self to see.
Pairing Frank's hot sauce with honey is good, and you would think on par with agave syrup, but it just doesn't quite get there.
Pairing Frank's hot sauce with BBQ sauce just isn't an enjoyable experience. It's hard to explain, but it's like putting vinegar on frosted flakes and expecting it to be good.
Using just the Frank's hot sauce and garlic for the marinade and the finishing sauce is really awesome, but probably too spicy for some, but it does work. It gives the pork somewhat of a buffalo wing type flavor.
Well, the saga of what to do with a gallon of Frank's hot sauce is officially closed. Or is it?