After reading through literature and some posts on these forums I have a couple of questions on the YS640
1. If I am cooking two different meats where I may want the grill surface to be at two temps can I utilize the variable damper to do this as it states in the manual? I have read conflicting comments as to whether it is best to leave the damper pushed all the way in for direct grilling or just pulling it all the way out for normal smoking.
2. Having purchased the diffuser plate with the access door the dealer stated that it wasn't necessary to remove the entire diffuser plate when setting up for direct grilling. Just remove access door and install grill grates. Having read that some people have experienced diffuser plate warpage even at lower temp settings would it be wise to just go ahead and remove the entire heat diffuser if I am going to set up for direct grilling. Thereby preventing the chance of exposing the diffuser plate to the hight temperatures?
Here is an article on the sliding damper: download/Best%20Practice%20and%20how%20to/YS640%20Variable%20damper%20best%20practice.pdf
Here are articles on high heat grilling: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=1386 and viewtopic.php?f=40&t=1918
When using the 2 piece diffuser, it is not necessary to completely remove the diffuser, just the door, or, as the articles above, leave the diffuser and door in place. If you have just the 1 piece diffuser, yes, the complete diffuser needs to be removed and the optional grill grates installed to direct grill.
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