Im purchasing a used ys640 w/ competition cart and have done a lot of reading up on the paint. The cart i am getting is silver and i would like to repaint it in the orange that is used. what king of paint is used? is it the silicone based? how hard is it to take apart?
Thanks in advance, Aaron
Here is the paint code chart: download/Install%20and%20Repair/Color%20charts%20for%20comp%20cart.pdf
To remove the cooker from the comp cart, remove the bolts holding it to the cart and get a bunch of friends to help you lift it out of the cart.
Do you have a video and procedures on how to repaint the cart and the grill? Also where do you get the paint for the cart? I did see the following procedure for the smoker just not the cart. download/Best%20Practice%20and%20how%20to/Prep%20and%20Paint%20Procedure.pdf
But a followup question to the smoker paint procedures. How many coats? And how long to cure? Can you cure it faster by turning the grill on and if so what temp and how long? Thanks
The carts are painted with automotive paint. Here are the color mixing charts for the standard cart colors: download/Install%20and%20Repair/Color%20charts%20for%20comp%20cart.pdf. We do not have a video on painting the carts. Automotive paint practices are suggested for repainting the competition carts. You will need to take the color chart to an automotive paint and finish store, to have the paint mixed for you.
Just a few light coats of paint on the cookers. You do not want the paint to get too thick. Follow the painting procedure that you linked to. There should be no need to heat up the cooker for the process.
No video, but in the post above, there is a link to the PDF document on how to do paint repair on the cooker.
Yoder_herb in the link below you posted it dosent say anything about covering the other areas of the grill. Do you not cover the areas your are not repaint? The overspray isnt an issue?
YoderJase wrote:Do you have a video and procedures on how to repaint the cart and the grill?Also where do you get the paint for the cart? I did see the following procedure for the smoker just not the cart. download/Best%20Practice%20and%20how%20to/Prep%20and%20Paint%20Procedure.pdf
But a followup question to the smoker paint procedures. How many coats? And how long to cure? Can you cure it faster by turning the grill on and if so what temp and how long? Thanks
It depends on the area being painted. When I have done repair close to the comp cart or silver screws, etc., yes, I do cover areas that may get hit with overspray.
No clear coat on the newer carts, just a primer and a single stage paint process.
For reference to anyone else looking to repaint or change colors, I picked up a new to me YS640 with an orange comp cart. I preferred the silver so I sanded down the paint, primed it, and then repainted in the factory medium Marblehead metallic. I bought 6 8oz spray cans and it took 5. Nice to have one extra on hand for touch ups. Very happy with my now silver comp cart!
Yoder_Herb wrote:No clear coat on the newer carts, just a primer and a single stage paint process.
ckelly33 wrote: the paint download link seems to be broken. Would you reestablish it please?
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