Registered Members Only

September 27th, 2014, 11:53 am
by Yoder_Herb
Being a registered member of the Yoder Smokers Community now means more than ever before. We are excited to announce that there are now going to be areas of the forum that only registered members can view and participate in. As these member only areas are created, we will announce them here.
Re: Registered Members Only

September 27th, 2014, 12:10 pm
by Yoder_Herb
Yoder Community Forum Resident Chef Named!
We would like to welcome ATBBQ.COM Staff Chef Tom Jackson. Chef Tom has been named the Yoder Community Forum Resident Chef. Not only will he continue to provide awesome videos and recipes, he will now also answer questions related to anything in the kitchen. Have a question on prep, food pairings, seasoning, kitchen tools, procedures, etc., Chef Tom is here to help.
Chef Tom's forum home is called "Ask Chef Tom". If you are a registered forum member, you will see it at the very top of list in the Recipe section. Post up your questions, Chef Tom is ready to help.
A huge Yoder Nation welcome to Chef Tom!