Friend just brought over two six pound choice brisket flats,
She wants to smoke for her on the 4th.
I've always cooked whole Packers. Any tips or, suggestions?
I'm thinking:lower temp (225). Guestimating 10 hours.
Thanks in advance,
Thanks Herb.
I'm also concerned because she boutique pre-trmmed. They are very lean. The fatcap is almost all trimmed off. Maybe 1/8th inch, are they going to dry out on me?
I always remove all the fat. If you are looking for the fat in the end product, then you might think it is dry. I always wrap, and put in some liquid. No one ever complains, but the jelly and liquid fat are nonexistent.
Thanks Again,
I'll cross my fingers and let them smoke away.
I'll let you know how they turn out.
They turned out awesome. 9 hours at 225.
Pulled them at 203 degrees. Let them rest for 1.5 hours. They were tender, juicy, and nothing but compliments. It was the first item to run out. The host stated that no one ate buns or bbq sauce.
Thanks for the link, and vote of confidence.
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