Stick Burner Attachment

This was just something that i had been thinking about. I own a Cheyenne stick burner and tried to create a small fire for smoking cheese... it was tough. It got too hot, and this is probably a personal issue and not a smoker issue... BUT it got the gears turning.
What if the Chimney was able to be changed out for a new attachment...? Basically modifying the existing chimney to not have an elbow to face upwards, but a "T" rather with a baffle in it. Then on the end of the "T" would be a light gauge smoke box with either grates or rods for grates that could also be used for hanging jerky.
See Rough sketch attached.
Maybe this isnt a problem on the bigger rigs, or as i mentioned a 'me' problem.... but something that would make an interesting attachment for 'cold smoking' salmon, or cheese etc.
This was just something that i had been thinking about. I own a Cheyenne stick burner and tried to create a small fire for smoking cheese... it was tough. It got too hot, and this is probably a personal issue and not a smoker issue... BUT it got the gears turning.
What if the Chimney was able to be changed out for a new attachment...? Basically modifying the existing chimney to not have an elbow to face upwards, but a "T" rather with a baffle in it. Then on the end of the "T" would be a light gauge smoke box with either grates or rods for grates that could also be used for hanging jerky.
See Rough sketch attached.
Maybe this isnt a problem on the bigger rigs, or as i mentioned a 'me' problem.... but something that would make an interesting attachment for 'cold smoking' salmon, or cheese etc.