My YS640 Journey followup

My original post was back in October 2014
I have now had my YS640 for three years, I can't believe that it's been that long already. I had a few bumps in the beginning and all of these were user mistakes and not knowing how this thing works. I chased temperatures when I should have just let the 640 do it's thing. I tried different methods that others had used themselves wheather it was on a stick burner or another seller smoker. I learned that I needed to trust Yoder, their engineering and my own smoker, they all knew better than me.
Once I learned to trust the 640, things got easy and I know I bought this for all the right reasons. During these three years, I upgraded to the new reinforced burn grate, what a difference and it's great not having to step on the old one after a few smokes. I added the thermal jacket and it really makes a difference in the Yoder holding temps and I leave it on all year long. I now have three deflector plates, the original, the reinforced one and the new two piece deflector plate. That has to be the best upgrade that Yoder made so far. After each smoke I just remove the grates, pull out the plate and dump the ashes from the fire grate off to the side. After a few smokes I grab my shop vac and clean out the ash. I haven't foiled the deflector plate in a long time but the new deflector plate makes it easier to clean that as well. I can pull off all of the grates, open the door and scrape the buildup off the plate towards the opening. We buy margarine in rectangular plastic containers which are perfect for holding under the opening and scraping everything into the container. I dump my tease bucket in there as well and then put with the recycling.
I have learned that Yoder knows their product. I see people saying that they didn't have to empty out the ash after each smoke or have to unplug the unit after each time. You may have not had to do it with your other pellet brand smoker but you do have to do it with this one. Also stop chasing temperatures, let the controller do it's job and let the meat speak for itself.
Lastly thanks to the Yoder staff especially to Herb who is always willing to assist. We'll see hot he next three years go...
I have now had my YS640 for three years, I can't believe that it's been that long already. I had a few bumps in the beginning and all of these were user mistakes and not knowing how this thing works. I chased temperatures when I should have just let the 640 do it's thing. I tried different methods that others had used themselves wheather it was on a stick burner or another seller smoker. I learned that I needed to trust Yoder, their engineering and my own smoker, they all knew better than me.
Once I learned to trust the 640, things got easy and I know I bought this for all the right reasons. During these three years, I upgraded to the new reinforced burn grate, what a difference and it's great not having to step on the old one after a few smokes. I added the thermal jacket and it really makes a difference in the Yoder holding temps and I leave it on all year long. I now have three deflector plates, the original, the reinforced one and the new two piece deflector plate. That has to be the best upgrade that Yoder made so far. After each smoke I just remove the grates, pull out the plate and dump the ashes from the fire grate off to the side. After a few smokes I grab my shop vac and clean out the ash. I haven't foiled the deflector plate in a long time but the new deflector plate makes it easier to clean that as well. I can pull off all of the grates, open the door and scrape the buildup off the plate towards the opening. We buy margarine in rectangular plastic containers which are perfect for holding under the opening and scraping everything into the container. I dump my tease bucket in there as well and then put with the recycling.
I have learned that Yoder knows their product. I see people saying that they didn't have to empty out the ash after each smoke or have to unplug the unit after each time. You may have not had to do it with your other pellet brand smoker but you do have to do it with this one. Also stop chasing temperatures, let the controller do it's job and let the meat speak for itself.
Lastly thanks to the Yoder staff especially to Herb who is always willing to assist. We'll see hot he next three years go...