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Exceeding Expectations

PostPosted: February 4th, 2015, 8:36 pm
by wts
Many products have a problem at some time in their life. My Yoder 640 was one of those products. Here is what is different. You all know that sinking feeling when you have a problem....and get ready to call customer service. We sort of steel ourselves to be prepared for the response....or actually, lack thereof. NOT AT YODER. After fully explaining my problems to Joey, he and his company completely exceeded my expectations. My customer service experience was world class - rivaling famed LL Bean, Amica Insurance and other. This is old honor. They better be careful though.....this kind of customer service is going to create raving customers and more business!~

Re: Exceeding Expectations

PostPosted: February 4th, 2015, 9:15 pm
I spent a couple years devouring info via the web about Yoder products,,,
I have never heard anyone say anything other than
"absolutely top notch" customer service...


Re: Exceeding Expectations

PostPosted: June 9th, 2019, 9:35 am
by Motrcyclman
I just picked up a Witchita Loaded a few days ago. But seeing this topic I wanted to chime in about my experience with customer experience:

I agree: I have seldom had such friendly, forthright answers anytime anywhere as the 4 or 5 calls I made to ask questions before picking up the Witchita Loaded. I had a question about fire management on a stick burner, had a laid back conversation, and in an e-mail reply later learned I had been talking with Don Cary, President of Yoder. That's top to bottom involvement of people committed to their products and their customers.
This attitude, along with my first impressions of build and finish of the Witchita from pictures, (I first saw it in person at dealer pickup), led to my decision to choose YODER. I am beginning to appreciate the statement,"Welcome to the Yoder family". They apparently take this seriously.