Latest firmware for YS1500
July 13th, 2020, 8:38 am
by CMcWillims
While my hobby is smoking meats my profession that helps me support my hobby is in the IT field. I always like to have the pastiest upgrades and what not. I am curious to know what the latest firmware is for the YS 1500 and if an update is available, how do I go about obtaining it?
Thanks for any assistance in advance.
Re: Latest firmware for YS1500
July 24th, 2020, 1:52 pm
by scooter
Go to the FireBoad website and find what the latest FW and App version is can find the info on your fireboard under devices /Device log
Re: Latest firmware for YS1500
July 6th, 2024, 4:10 pm
by Great_Lakes_Smoke
I too have the same question I have a legacy 1500 manufactured in 2017 (NO ACS). what is the latest firmware for this unit. Long thermocouple.