I cooked a couple of pork butts on my YS640s. Here's the session:
Weather was cloudy in the upper 40s. My cook was plagued by temp swings--I have cooked in colder weather than that and not had any issues. I clean the grill regularly, vacuum ash after each smoke, etc.
The unit had a lot of trouble holding at 225 through the first many hours, even getting down to the low 180s. It seemed to do better at 250 than 225, but I still had several steep drops without opening the lid or messing with the smoker. In checking around online it seems that the auger behavior is unusual--I was using Lumberjack Competition Blend pellets for this cook.
Is this normal behavior for the ACS? I just haven't seen this before and although it is a new smoker, we use it several times per week.
Are both your fans working? My inner fan that I put in with the upgraded ACS was being intermittent. My temps and auger were all over the place. Just a thought.
greasemonkey wrote:Are both your fans working? My inner fan that I put in with the upgraded ACS was being intermittent. My temps and auger were all over the place. Just a thought.
Take a smaller screwdriver, the handle end of a fork will work too, stick it in through the outside fan before you turn it on. You should be able to hear the inner fan start up, then pull whatever you have holding the outer fan in place out and you should be able to hear that one start up.
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