In this day and age of mass marketing and poor customer service, it's great to have a product where their customer service is A+. Friday night about 9:30 I fired up my 640. Did it's usual thing started without a hitch. Then I noticed that the controller was showing my temperatures climbing like there was a blazing inferno going on. I opened the lid and it was barely warm. My Mavericks were reading 138. I always unplug my grill and the week before I cleaned everything including the thermocouple. I shut it down, let it cycle off, emptied the burn grate and tried it again, same results. My guess was the thermocouple went bad. Shut it down, put the brisket in the oven . At 10:00PM I emailed Yoder Customer Service. By 10:30 I received a reply and they confirmed it was probably my thermocouple. Monday they shipped the new part and it arrived yesterday. Try getting that service anywhere else.
We all know that there are parts that will fail once and awhile and when something happens it's great to have the Yoder Team respond like they did.
Thank you YODER!
Great story. +1 on the quality of the Yoder customer service and support!
I've had nothing but wonderful experiences myself. I agree that better cannot be found in the industry.
Well it seemed that the thermocouple was just part of the problem. Monday my new controller should arrive. So I figured since Yoder was already sending me a package, I ordered the new burn pot and burn grate. Saturday will be a busy day.
smokinginargyle wrote:Well it seemed that the thermocouple was just part of the problem. Monday my new controller should arrive. So I figured since Yoder was already sending me a package, I ordered the new burn pot and burn grate. Saturday will be a busy day.