Waiting on the delivery of my new YS 640 from my local dealer. I just have a question about how to care for the aluminum direct grill grates? Thanks!
From the Grill Grates website:
Hard Anodized GrillGrates can tolerate high grill heat up to temperatures of 900F, and can be easily cleaned using a traditional grill brush.
Hard anodizing creates an ultra-hard and dense surface layer that can not be scratched or chipped off. This hardness prevents food and grilling debris from sticking.We suggest a bristle brush as pictured below. The corners will reach into the valleys of GrillGrates, and it is a sturdy design. Replace your grill brush often! 3-4 times a year if you grill regularly.
tips for care and seasoning grillgrates
USING HardAnodized GrillGrates on Your Grill
1. Preheat Grill with GrillGrates in Place Make sure GrillGrates are interlocked and facing you. Place GrillGrates on charcoal grills after coals have burned down.
2. Initial Use: The first time or two you grill with GrillGrates use a bit of canola oil or grill spray on the cooking rails. Weber Spray or Pam Grill Spray work well too. Discontinue use of any spray or oil as continuous use can cause a build up and cause sticking. GrillGrates will season quickly and the non-stick develops naturally.
3. Clean Raised Rails using a Grill Pad or Brush. Less is more. The raised rails easily wipe clean during warm-up or when brushed hot with a bit of water sprayed on the grill. TIP: break-in the hard anodized GrillGrates by cleaning them as little as possible when they are new. Avoid cleaning in the sink in the beginning, as you want to encourage the seasoning process like a cast iron skillet.
4. Allow the side rails and valleys to blacken for maximum seasoning and minimum cleaning. Just keep debris out of the valleys and wipe down the raised rails during warm-up. Periodically use the GrateTool to shovel debris from the valleys.
Hard Anodized GrillGrates can also be cleaned in the sink if you choose. Sink cleaning is optional, but effective, especially after marinades and sauces have burned and collected in the valleys, or after the GrillGrates have seen months of continuous use! Soak GrillGrates in the sink or washtub with regular dish soap. Use a sponge or brillo on the raised rails, which will come clean with little effort. All other surfaces will blacken and become part of the seasoning so sink cleaning should be done only occasionally to preserve the seasoning and non-stick.
Do not use oven cleaner, or other caustic cleaners, or put in the dishwasher.
They just added a new brush on their website. Follow the "care and cleaning" link and it will show you the way.