I noticed on some YS640 there is a baffle on the end of the smoke stack to control the amount of smoke going out. Mine did not come with that.
Is that an option or some have it some don't? Or is not offered anymore.
Last question is, does it make a difference in controlling the temperature?
As I understand it Yoder took the damper off a few years ago because some would leave it closed and it could cause hopper fires
Also the have figured out the need the positive air flow to get closer to even temps across the grate.
The stack damper was standard a few years ago, but it was deleted because it honestly wasn't really needed. Taking it off helped alleviate a lot of issues people were experiencing by trying to close it to create a stronger smoke flavor or change temps.
I was getting a lot of blow-by on my smoke stack... Installed 2 wraps of 1/2"x1/8" Nomex tape. First wrap on the very end of the smoke stack that is inserted into the chamber fixture, and the second wrap that is on the stack to stabilize it and gauge how far to insert the smoke stack into the chamber fixture. NO MORE blow-by... Better stabilized temps across upper grate... And ease of rotating the smoke stack down to put the cover on.
Great suggestion. I get some smoke and also a bit of grease dripping out of the hole for the smokestack too and I've also experienced some drift on the smokestack so that it's no longer flush with the inside of the smoker body. I had planned to do something like this for a while, but this gives me a nudge to get it done. Thanks T2DaBone!
That was always something I wanted to do with my YS640, but I sold it and upgraded to the YS1500 before I did. Good idea, Terry.
T2DaBone wrote:I was getting a lot of blow-by on my smoke stack... Installed 2 wraps of 1/2"x1/8" Nomex tape. First wrap on the very end of the smoke stack that is inserted into the chamber fixture, and the second wrap that is on the stack to stabilize it and gauge how far to insert the smoke stack into the chamber fixture. NO MORE blow-by... Better stabilized temps across upper grate... And ease of rotating the smoke stack down to put the cover on.
Great idea Terry! I'm curious to know what you used to clean the smokestack before applying the Nomex tape? I plan on doing this mod as soon as I get the tape.
Wiped it down a couple of times real good with a alcohol soaked rag, letting it evaporate off, and the adhesive on the tape is holding up really well...
Where did you pick up your Nomex? Found this online at Home Depot. It's even for a pellet stove, lol:
http://www.homedepot.com/p/Englander-11 ... /202339050
T2DaBone wrote:Wiped it down a couple of times real good with a alcohol soaked rag, letting it evaporate off, and the adhesive on the tape is holding up really well...
Scott wrote:Where did you pick up your Nomex? Found this online at Home Depot. It's even for a pellet stove, lol:
http://www.homedepot.com/p/Englander-11 ... /202339050
I'm having the same issue. It seems like Yoder could decrease the hole in the cooker sidewall to 2 7/8" to create a 1/16" internal stop ring. Then have a smaller I.D. 3.5" stack receiver machined down to 3" I.D. like it should be. Yes it will add a couple of dollars to it, but it would be correct. That's what I would do. Just my 2 cents.