Hi all!
Big troubles for me...I am doing my first long cook on our YS640 and we have company coming...Lunch was supposed to be at two but now it may be a bust cause I have lost 6 plus hours of cook time futzing with this thing.
I have had two flame outs at a set temp of 225 while cooking a pork shoulder. The first happened sometime after midnight and the second just now. The first flame out filled the fire pot and pit with a bunch of pellets and had to be cleaned. I am running BBQ Delight Pellets and the Yoder YS640 was Cleaned fire box seated No obstructions etc. When it went down this time it was in temp maintenance (---) displayed...I sat and watched my Maverick ET-733 display drop and continue to drop never beginning the recovery I was under 185 degrees and dropping like a rock. To say I am frustrated is a bit of an understatement! I never had any issues in 6 years with brand X but this thing has quit twice in one cook it is not cool. I sure hope I don't lose all this prep and meat...
Please help both fans are running.
Steve in Tucson
What is the serial number and build date from your cooker's door plate?
What is the firmware version? This is displayed for 2 seconds after flipping the power button to the ON position.
Is your cooker on a comp cart or a backyard cart?
At first guess, I would say that you are having some power issues. Are you using an extension cord longer than 20'? Are you plugged into a GFCI? Are there other items on the same electrical circuit that the cooker is plugged into?
Herb Thank you for coming to the rescue! It just did it again...number 3
I have the U26 firmware and I have a YS 640 backyard.
Are you suggesting that I am having a momentary drop in power? How does that affect the unit if the power hiccups?
I am not using an extension cord by the way and nothing else is hooked up to it! I think it is a GFCI though, what bearing would that have, as I am not familiar with the details.
Is there a way to tell what is happening?
If the power hiccups a number of things can happen. The controller can actually shutdiwn, it can lockup or start doing strange things. The controller is a computer, and can be negatively affected by any power anomaly.
Here are some things to check:
Always unplug the cooker when not in use. Always start a cooking session by plugging the cooker in.
Check to make sure the cord us plugged in tightly to the cooker.
Check the cord for damage.
We have seen older GFCI outlets that appear to work, but drop or bounce the power to things plugged into it. Try using a different outlet, use an extension cord if necessary.
This is good info, I always un plug after shut down so that is good, and I just switched to another outlet just inside the house after the third incident. I will keep you posted on what happens!
Thanks again