I recently purchased a YS640 on a competition cart. I will sometimes haul the cooker on a flat bed utility trailer.
I put the cooker on the trailer sideways so it will not try to roll back and forth when I start and stop. But the cooker looks to have a high center of gravity, and I am concerned about it rolling over on its side in a hard braking situation.
My question is - are the tie downs on the bottom of the competition cart sufficient to keep a cooker from rolling over? Or do I need to find a way to tie the top of the cooker as well?
I personally always use a ratchet strap of the appropriate strength (2000 lbs working weight) over the top of the cooker to strap it down. Take a look at this: viewtopic.php?f=71&t=439&p=5022&hilit=trailer#p5022