My front chrome shelf is rusting badly. The side shelf is starting but not nearly as bad...
The 640 is always stored under a covered porch...
Any ideas how to fix it?
I'll upload a photo when I get a chance...
Yes, clean it with some chrome cleaner and apply a good car wax when clean. I have heard that cola works great on rust, but have never tried it myself.
is there something I should have done differently to avoid this happening?
It seems suspect that the chrome is failing like that after only 2 years...
Keeping the chrome clean and applying a good polish, just like the chrome on a vehicle, will keep things looking good for years. The potential spills from food can be more acidic, because of rubs and liquids, so cleaning and protecting is important.
i was under the impression that the wire shelves were stainless steel. are they in fact chrome instead? I'm about to purchase a 640 should i go for the solid front version of the shelves instead if i want them to be stainless steel?
I went with the solid stainless shelves. I think they are the only way to go.
Get stainless. Way better looking and easier to clean. Plus sauces and stuff drip through the chrome standard shelf. You won't regret the extra money!
thanx for the reply, i would've made the mistake of going with chrome if i didn't stumble across this thread. it would be nice if the cooking shelves had a stainless option as well. will rust be an issue on the cooking grates? or will they be fine after they have been cooked on and seasoned?
I have not had any rust whatsoever on the grates they are seasoned quite well after a few good tasty cooks.
The body itself has popped up a few rust spots in the 6 months I've had it but nothing a little touch up won't take care of.
Soak several days in vinegar+water.mixture u decide how much.more vinegar the better. Cleans tools etc. Keep my shelves in house, still rusted in So. Ca.
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