As I mentioned this grill is BRAND new only on it's 3rd burn, grill manufacture date is 5/16/2016 so most of your stock responses don't relate to my problem. BBQ Delight pellets blend mix. I ran you the temp test as described. Whats next. Return it for one that works.
swroberts2 wrote:As I mentioned this grill is BRAND new only on it's 3rd burn, grill manufacture date is 5/16/2016 so most of your stock responses don't relate to my problem. BBQ Delight pellets blend mix. I ran you the temp test as described. Whats next. Return it for one that works.
You are using the round kitchen thermometers that have a flat bottom to sit on? You have a digital thermometer? Like Maverick ET-732? I don't trust analog round dial thermometers unless they are the expensive ones. AND as soon as you open the door to check them, bam the temp drops, you need a digital probe thermometer, you really do.
The top grate will be much cooler than the bottom grate.
Get two packs of cheapo bonk bonk biscuits And spread them all over, top and bottom shelf. Cook them, see how much difference they cook at.
That said, If I put my cooker at 350, it'll be within 20f in 30 min.
My question relates to temperature variation across the cooking surface. I tried another brand for several cooks and found that one end was much hotter. Ribs laying flat were almost seared during 225 deg cooks. Rotating the meat was required for a full grate. Is this true of the Yoder 640. Is this true of all pellets? This may be the wrong place for this type of question. If so, please suggest a be place.