I know that this is normally something you would see on an Automotive Forum vs a BBQ/Smoker forum but I wanted to share my restoration project.
A few weeks ago I had a chance to purchase a 2012 YS640 Competition Pellet Grill. It was posted on a local board I visit and included one blurry shot of the YS640 dressed in its silver thermal jacket. I have been looking for a YS640 for 4 years, after I saw one in action on our team at the American Royal. The photo was bad but the price was right and I knew it was a Yoder so it was built like a tank!
I purchased it and a couple of days later here is what I had:
Cart cleaned up and ready for primer:
Next on the list was the Yoder Smoker plaques on the front and rear of the cart.
Removed, stripped with my angle grinder and a wire wheel, rust treated and then primed and painted a nice gloss black.
I went to my local BBQ store and checked out a new Yoder so I could get some of the smaller details correct
Its all in the details...
And here she is - my newly restored YS640!
Cheers and thanks for reading my long post.
Put me down in the impressed column!
Lot of work but boy it sure looks pretty. I guess for the fun of it...I would be interested in how much you figure you have into it?
As far as removing the build up inside... personally I prefer to not have someone elses grime or buildup, who knows whats on there and good move to kinda just start over.
Anyway, great job and congrats. I know a lot of pride comes into play when someone puts their personal touch into a build or rebuild.
westhemess1 wrote:Put me down in the impressed column!
Lot of work but boy it sure looks pretty. I guess for the fun of it...I would be interested in how much you figure you have into it?
As far as removing the build up inside... personally I prefer to not have someone elses grime or buildup, who knows whats on there and good move to kinda just start over.
Anyway, great job and congrats. I know a lot of pride comes into play when someone puts their personal touch into a build or rebuild.
Thanks for taking the time to post this. We are reviewing it for inclusion into our YS blog.
Wow!!! Very nicely done. Very impressed. The food will taste that much better for all of your efforts!
Now that's an impressive restoration, your comparison with the automotive world isn't inaccurate at all. I've seen WW2 era vehicles restored with a similar amount of effort!
If it can help someone, my family has a lazy but efficient way to clean a greasy-as-hell and/or rusty steel item: douse them in Coca Cola, let the thing bathe for 24 hours, and if it isn't clean after this, you can try if you want to go for another 24 hours; if it keeps looking terrible after this, you have to break out the sandpaper or the wire wheel... But at this point, it'll be easier to replace the part altogether, if you can. Hell, I even used this to restore my grandfather's 1911 from the Korean War, which had the trigger mechanism rusted solid.
Amazing Job techmogogy!
You must have got one hell of a deal on it to put that much work into it.
It sure was a mess in the beginning, no respect letting it get into that kind of shape.
But as heavy duty as these things are, you will have it for many years to come.
Strelok_401 I need to try that cola idea, have a few Items I want to try and restore.
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